Wednesday, January 16, 2013


In case you haven't heard yet, Sawyer is rolling in BOTH directions. It's not too often, and it's not his favorite thing. BUT he's done it.

Sawyer's favorite things:

Dudly, Biblo, being held, his train, his music box, chewing on his beaver, blocks, train, music box, maracas, or as my friend Emily (Sawyer's BFF's mom) said---I think if there was a rhino in front of him he'd eat it, PLUS skype and facetime (mostly because he tries to eat the phone). He also obviously enjoys sleeping and eating.

I've tried posting the video of him rolling over. It'll have to wait until I actually make a trip into the library. For now, my computer (and the internet) hate me. Sorry!

I've ordered some baby legs for Sawyer that we should be getting this week. Perfect timing, too. It's COLD!! :)

Also, ye who do cloth. What do you think about wool? What's your favorite fitted diaper? Sawyer is a heavy wetter. What we have is working 95% of the time for now (bella fitteds and kawaii covers---- we had charcoal bamboo, that didn't work at ALL), but I have a feeling when he gets older, it won't work as well. Let me know!

Sorry no pictures, I'll include double next time! :)

Hugs and Kisses from Norlina!!


  1. We started cloth with JP at 2 months. Now that he occasionally wants to use the potty we find the slip on diapers just make more sense. We used FLIP covers and liners and loved them (never had to buy anything else). You change the liner with each diaper change and the cover whenever it got soiled (which for us was pretty much every bm.) We rarely had leaks - in fact, we had more leaks with disposable diapers. He was a big wetter so at night we did disposable diapers with a cloth cover over that. We also used some Bumgenious pocket diapers but mostly I used them without the liner as swim diapers - which works great! Never tried wool b/c my skin is sensitive to it. We also use(d) flannel wipes which I love. Way easier than disposable wipes, just fold it all up in the liner for washing. Only other note to avoid leaks with cloth, don't use diaper rash creams with them, it will block the cloth from absorbing the mess. Good luck green mama!

  2. We've been using cloth with him since he was born and just made the transition to cloth wipes as well. AKA we ran out of the stuff people gave us. I really want to avoid using disposables even at night. I've heard REALLY good things about it, but not from anyone that I actually, you know, know. I'll do so searching into FLIP. I haven't used those, but we DO love bumgenius! :)
