Monday, May 13, 2013

Big Boy

Sawyer is growing and learning by leaps and bounds! He's been perfecting his army crawl that he figured out on his 7 month birthday. His 9 month birthday has him trying out a crawl on his hands and knees. He still doesn't have that one quite down yet, but he's getting better!

He has also been working on consonants. He loves to say mamamamamama, papapapapa, gagagaga, and some other various letter combinations. He's also a big fan of making noises with his mouth that I can't even attempt to make. Sawyer is trying to pull up on pretty much anything. He likes to pull up on us the most. He can use his crib to pull up, the rocking chair, or my recliner. He's also no longer afraid to climb over us.

Sawyer wanted to tell everyone hello. I'm not even sure how he made half those symbols. Sawyer loves the computer and our phones. He likes to see things go across the screen. He knows if he hits the keys on the computer something appears, and he knows if he moves his fingers across the phone, different things appear.

Sawyer loves to listen to Dean play the harmonica (and Dudly sing to the harmonica), french horn, and trumpet. He's obviously still infatuated with the piano, too. It makes loud noises when he hits it.
Speaking of hitting things, one of his favorite past times is to bang things together. Hard. Sometimes on Mama's head.

He absolutely adores playing with Dudly. He'll sit there and give him the toy and then take it from him. It's a modified version of tug o war. If our internet wasn't slower than molasses, I'd upload a video of him playing with Dudly.

He's started giving us kisses. He loves to kiss his mama, papa, and Bilbo. He doesn't really kiss Dudly that much, but boy, does he LOVE kissing Bilbo. Poor kitty.

Sawyer has also been waving bye bye and hello! It's adorable. We can't get him to do it all the time, but when we do...sigh.

His Nana came to visit last week. I think he really enjoyed the time with her! We got to go on several hikes/walks. It was a relaxing time. We also made soap. It was my first time. I'm SO excited to use it!! I have to wait until June....

This weekend Sawyer and I are headed up to a baby shower for my cousin Dorothy. So excited for her and her growing family!!!

Here are some pictures of my fav(s)!
 Eating one of his favorites, sweet potatoes!
 Loving on Bilbo!

 He doesn't like the flash....
 He DOES love when Bilbo sits on his lap.
 Out for a hike!
 He is SO proud of his standing abilities.
 He crawls everywhere.
 Sitting handsomely.
For those of you not on facebook, Sawyer had his 9 month check up today. He weighs 18.1lb (12th percentile) and is 27.5in long (25th percentile)!! He's SO big.
Also, sorry for those of you on facebook, most of these pictures are repeats!

Hope you all have a fantastic Mother's Day!

Hugs and Kisses from Norlina!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sawyer is proud to announce:

Sawyer has a new title: Big Bro!
He now claims the titles of: God's child, son, grandson, nephew, cousin, and BROTHER

He'll get to meet his little brother or sister face to face sometime around November 27th.

Do you think he's proud of this?

BTW---This picture is awesome. I'm fairly certain he just got really excited because he saw the camera OR he saw my parents' dog.

Hugs and Kisses from Norlina!!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Houston, we have a stander!

Yesterday, Dean sat Sawyer in his crib so he could go dump out a poopy diaper. When he came back in, Sawyer was standing in the crib!

Today, he did the same thing with me. He stood there for a bit with his feet in first position, and then he toppled straight backward. He was pretty good-natured about it. I'll get a picture of it when I can.

For all you non-facebookers, here's a picture of our shopping excursion from yesterday. Sawyer's first time sitting in the big boy seat. He LOVED it.

 I did some work around the house to add more color. I adore spring. I also got in my garden out back and planted some seeds. I can't wait for the summer and homegrown produce!

Hugs and Kisses from Norlina!!

Saturday, April 6, 2013


I'm sorry it's been forever since I've posted. My phone has been having issues and my photos aren't downloading right. I think Dad got that fixed, but I'm still going to need to make a trek into an Apple store in Raleigh. Fun.

Any who..... in the last TWO months: Sawyer has been trying out loads of different types of foods. When Rebekah was here he figured out how to crawl...ish. It's almost an army crawl. Kind of. I'll post videos. He's also discovered that Dudly's toys are more fun than his toys. Apparently he also likes to chew on Dudly's bones. Gross. Dudly has taken to protecting his toys. He's not mean. He'll just put his paw over top the toy so Sawyer knows it's his. Don't worry. That doesn't actually stop Sawyer. He's been known to take a toy straight from Dudly's mouth. Why yes. It's disgusting. Can I do much about it? Absolutely not. Other than watch Sawyer like a hawk....which I pretty much do anyway.

Sawyer's favorites (other than Dudly's toys): Egg yolk (scrambled in bacon grease--fed to himself), sweet potatoes, bananas, apples, his maracas, books, cell phones (or ipods---he really wanted Catherine's when she was here), Dudly, and Bilbo (Bilbo goes in hiding occasionally--- I think he's going to end up with a few bald spots).

SSawyer with his girlfriend, Olivia.
Sawyer and I---Olivia and Beth
Of course Sawyer loves the piano!
Nana with Sawyer on Easter
Three of my boys (I'm fairly certain Bilbo was in the crib)
It's his new thing.

Got rid of a few books....
Daddy went to work and left Dudly.

Rebekah hemming a dress. Isn't her hem perfectly straight?
Dean's new toy.
Sharing toys.
Portrait for the church directory.
Outside fun!
Still sharing toys....

And....he finally found Bilbo's toys.
Best buds.

Couldn't resist....
Dudly's ball.

A fascination with mirrors...

Sawyer with his best friend, Luke.
They had a pretty spiffy play date! :)
So cute (also.... at 5 weeks younger than Sawyer, Luke is a good 2 pounds heavier and 2 inches longer)!

Sharing toys!
Cousins! (Minus Chris, Dorothy's husband)
Catherine stole my phone...
Easter outfit!!
Nana with Sawyer again on Easter! :)

Hugs and Kisses from Hamel!