Monday, October 5, 2015


No, it's not Lent.
However, I feel like I am once again sucked into Facebook. Actually, scratch that. I'm sucked into my phone. It's become an extension of me and I do. not. like. it. I hate it. I abhor it. So, with that being said, I am hoping to put the phone down for most of the day. As in, I'll use it when all three of my children are napping and when my husband isn't home. I hate that it is becoming the norm to see an entire family at a restaurant looking at their phone, or that people go on dates and stare at their phone. I do not want that to be our family. I am sick of it. So, if I don't respond to you right away, that's probably why. I'm not saying I won't be on it, but I am going to try to really limit my time. I am hoping to blog more. I am hoping to read more. I am hoping to create more, take more pictures, work on more crafts with the kiddos.... Essentially, I am hoping to DO more. Facebook is such a waste of time and so are most of the apps on my phone.

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